To take Kirlian photographs using a digital camera or low light video camera, requires the use of a transparent discharge plate. We recommend the digital camera have a macro mode (close-up) and the ability for long multi-second shutter speed. (1-15 seconds is good). The pictures below illustrate a picture of a coin take with a 35mm film camera (left), digital camera (center) through the transparent discharge plate. The far right image was enhanced using Photoshop.
35 MM Film | Digital Camera | Image Enhanced |
Video: High voltage Kirlian photography using a transparent discharge plate and digital camera. The digital camera needs to have three features; manual focus, long exposure time 10 seconds or more, and macro (close up setting). |
Video: High voltage Kirlian photography using a transparent discharge plate and video camera. The video camera needs to have two features; manual focus, low lux approximately .003 lux. |
Transparent Discharge Plate
The transparency of our transparent discharge plates surpasses 90 percent.
Transparent Plate Manual (pdf file 1 meg)
TDP-01 - $129.95
4" x 5" Transparent Discharge Plate for Camera
Approximate usable size: 3" x 4"
includes Ground Plate
TDP-02 - $149.95
5" x 7" Transparent Discharge Plate for Camera
Approximate usable size: 4" x 6"
includes Ground Plate