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Break Free From Ordinary Photography

Tired of taking just okay photographs?
Imagine capturing photographs so unique that viewers can't look away. The Kirlian Photography Device uses high voltage energy to capture the phenomenon of electral coronal discharges

Kirlian Photograph

Capture the Uncapturable
Photograph spectacular high-voltage auras and coronal discharges - unique images Impossible with traditional photography.

Evoke Wonder:
Create mesmerizing artwork that sparks curiosity, wonder, and emotional connection. Every shot is a conversation piece.

Expand Creativity
Push the boundaries of your craft in a safe, easy to use setup designed for professionals Recommened minimum camera requirements: manual focus , open shutter timed exposures of 5+ seconds or more, macro lens setting.

Stand Out
Enrich your portfolio with other-worldly visuals that set you apart. Offer clients and followers something truly novel and share-worthy

Examples of what can be achived with our Kirlian Photography Device
Video Demonstrations

Kirlian Photography Devices
Model 5 $339.95
Kirlian Photography Device:

Kirlian Photography Index

Kirlian Photography Device New Kirlian Photography Book Limited Edition Prints
Building Your Own Equipment Kirlian Photography Services History Of Kirilian Photography


What is Kirlian Photography?
Kirlian photography is a high voltage, contact print photography. The process is simple. Sheet film is placed on top of a metal plate, called the discharge or film plate. The object to photograph is placed on top of the film. If the object to be Kirlian photographed is inanimate, such as a coin or leaf, a earth ground is connected to the object (See Diagram).

One can use digital cameras and even video equipment if one substitutes a transparent discharge plate (TDP) for the metal discharge plate. Now, instead of sheet film one shoots the object through the TDP. (See diagram)

High voltage is applied to the plate momentarily to make an exposure. For film, the corona discharge between the object and discharge plate passes through and is recorded onto the film. When film is developed you have a Kirlian photograph of the object. In the case of digital photography, the camera shoots the object through the TDP and captures the corona discharge from the object.

The Kirlian photography equipment we sell is a direct result of my years of working with Kirlian Photography. You can use this equipment to create Kirlian photographs of your own objects. We also provide detail information on how to build your own Kirlian photography equipment, see the link below, Kirlian Photography: Build your own equipment.


Note: When making a kirlian photography of a person or a living subject - never ground or allow a ground to touch the subject when making the exposure as this will cause a nasty shock. For additional information on kirlian photography, read our ONLINE ARTICLE or purchase the definitive book on kirlian photography titled :
A Hands on Guide to Kirlian Photography


More information on the transparent discharge plate vs film

Additional information on kirlian photography is available read our online articles below:

The Brief History of Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography: Build Your Own Equipment

or purchase the Book: A Hands on Guide to Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography Device

Kirlian Photography Device has everything you need to create Kirlian images.

The Model 5 is designed to work with digital cameras. We recommend a digital camera have a macro mode (close-up) setting and the ability for long multi-second shutter speed. (1-15 seconds). The Model 5 system includes an adjustable high voltage power supply, a Transparent Discharge Plate (TDP) and Ground Plate (GP) for inanimate objects.

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Kirlian Photography Print

Print 20 x 16 Framed Print features a Kirlian images Estimated image size 40 x 50 cm. Fits a 16x20 picture frame that can mount vertically or horizontally.

See Print Gallery

Kirlian Photography Service

Kirlian Photography Service

Have an object of your choice* photographed using Kirlian Photography

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* Restrictions Apply, Click Here for restrictions.

Transparent Discharge Plate

Transparent Discharge Plate

To take Kirlian photographs using a digital camera or low light video camera, requires the use of a Transparent Discharge Plate (TDP). A Ground Plate is included for inanimate objects. We recommend a digital camera with a macro mode (close-up) setting and the ability for long multi-second shutter speed. (1-15 seconds). The transparency of our transparent discharge plates surpasses 90 percent.

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Kirlian Components

Build your Own Kirlian Photography Device

This helpful DIY article will help you to create your own Kirlian Photography Device

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Kirlian Photography Book

Digital Kirlian Photography

In Kirlian Photography, John Iovine gives you all the hands-on guidance you need to produce Kirlian photographs using digital cameras.

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