Servobotics / Robotics Index
Servomotor Controllers
New Improved Design
Computer and manual servomotor controllers for: Robotics, Animatronics and Motion Control
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New Improved Design will be available Winter 2013
Create and print intricate designs on eggs, spheres or other rounded objects with the Sphere-Bot. Great for decorating Easter Eggs.
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Robotic Arm
The RA-02 Robotic Arm teaches basic robotic principles. The RA-02 kit includes all components necessary to build the robotic arm shown at left.
The robotic arm kit also includes the SMC-05 servomotor controller kit. The servomotor kit includes the pcb, and all components necessary to build the servomotor controller (soldering is required). Using the 5-position servomotor controller one can control the robotic arm using the onboard three position switches to manually to grab, lift, lower, wrist rotate and pivot.
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Coming Soon
The C-Bot tracker is based on the object tracking technology developed at Carnegie Mellon for the CMU-01 Camera.
The C-bot will track an object in X,Y and Z directions. A up and down servo motor tracks in the Y direction. Horizontal (X) and distance (Z) directions are driven by two continuous rotation servo motors.
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The CMU XY Vision System is based on the object tracking technology developed at Carnegie Mellon University.
- Robotic X-Y axis Base
- SMC-04 Servo Motor Controller
- CMU-01 Camera
- CMU-01 Pro Software
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