The X10 Speech Recognition Interface SRI-04 is an interface board for the SR-06 and SR-07. The circuit allows the speech recognitiion kit to output On-Off commands via a X10 Power Line interface (PL513). The Interface can control up to 16 Appliance Control Modules (X10) on any of the 16 available house codes.
X-10 Speech Recognition Interface Article
Currently Unavailable
PL513 Power Line Interface
The PL513 is a transmitter, and the two-way version (TW523)
is a transmitter/receiver. Both plug into regular AC outlets and
connect to a third party OEM product via a modular RJ11 telephone
jack. The OEM product generates X10 codes, which the interfaces
transfer onto the power line. All patent related criteria are
satisfied with the interfaces. This also receives the OEM of any
UL, CSA, FCC or Industry Canada considerations. Using these interfaces,
someone with a technical, or programming background can use a
computer to completely customize the way in which they automate
their environment.
Currently Unavailable
X10 Appliance Control Module
Plug-in modules for controlling appliances such as fans, air-conditioners, dehumidifiers, coffee pots, stereos, TV's, etc. Controlled by any X10 programmable, wireless, or telephone controller. For use with X10 Speech Recognition Interface Kit.
Features: Rated at 15 amps, 1/3 hp, 500 watts
Currently Unavailable