New 1381 - Solar Engine

The 1381 solar engine kit stores electrical power from the sun.
When enough power is stored the circuit dumps the stored electrical
power through circuit load, in this case a motor. This kit may
also be used with BEAM and Solarbotic style robots. High efficiency
1381 Solar Engine. Basic instructions included on a 1381-based
Solar engine, The parts bundle includes:
* 3904
* 2N5060 SCR
* 4 1000 uF capacitors (or one 4700 uF capacitor)
* SC-01 Solar cell
* DC Solar Motor
* 1381 trigger
* PC Board
* Instructions
SE-02 $19.95
1381 Solar Engine
Original Solar Engine Kit

The Solar engine kit stores electrical power from the sun. When enough power is stored the circuit dumps the stored electrical power through circuit load, in this case a motor. This kit may also be used with BEAM style robots or a solar roller.
Construction Article
Manual (PDF 0.5 meg)
SE-01 - $29.95
Solar Engine Kit
Solar Cells (Indoor)

SC-01 Datasheet
Soldering Instructions
Item #SC-01 Indoor Solar Cell
The SC-01 Solar cell is made for use under fluorescent lamps. At approximately 200 Lux illumination, at 25 degrees Centigrade, the typical voltage output is 3.0 volts. Open circuit voltage is 4.0 volts. Short circuit current (200 luxs) is 17.0 uA. (note: output current is greater in sunlight)
Operating Temperature -5 to 60 degrees Centigrade.
Size of the Solar cell is 55 mm x 20 mm x 1.1 mm (2.1" x .78" x .04").
SC-01 $2.50
Indoor Solar Cell
Solar Cells (Outdoor)

SC-02 Datasheet
Soldering Instructions
Item #SC-02 Outdoor Solar Cell
The SC-02 Solar cell is made for use under sunlight. The typical voltage output is 3.5 volts. Open circuit voltage is 5.2 volts. Short circuit current is 21.0 mA.
Operating Temperature -5 to 60 degrees Centigrade.
Size of the Solar cell is 55 mm x 29 mm x 1.1 mm (2.1" x .78" x .04").
SC-02 $3.95
Outdoor Solar Cell