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PSI Lamp Master App

Compatible with our
Random Number Generator and PSI Lamp


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Master Program Screenshot

Master Program

The master program sets up the communication parameters between the PSI Lamp (or random number generator) and the Windows PC. All available COM ports are shown in the COM Port: pull down. You must select the COM port where the USB/TTL cable has established it’s COM port communication. The baud rate is 9600.

Once the proper COM port is selected, click on the Connect button to begin communication.

The Raw output provides the current random number generated by the device.

The Plotted Output allows you to select one or all programs to plot simultaneously.

Random Walk Program Screenshot

Random Walk

Random Walk is a line generating program. Each random number generated selects a direction for the line to move. The line moves slowly in that direction until the next random number is generated where the line may (or may not) change directions.

The line thickness may be modified with the line thickness box only before the plot begins

. The speed of the line can be increased at any time by increasing the steps in the Steps box.

The line color can be changed at any time by clicking on the “Choose color” button.

ESP Game Program Screenshot

ESP Game

The ESP game is a micro-psychokinesis experiment. The user attempts to make the line go up or down. The user can set for single runs or multiple runs. The line colors in multiple runs may be change using the “Run Colors” button.

Ramblings of the Universe Program screen shot

Ramblings of the Universe

In this game random numbers select either ASCII characters or phrases. It has been said that a monkey hitting keys randomly on a typewriter given an infinite amount of time could render the complete works of William Shakespeare. I don’t know whether this game will generate a work of Shakespeare, but given an infinite amount of time, who knows?

Color Screen Program Screenshot 1-128 bit

Color Screen

Originally this game is a random number check.

Each random number generated places a colored pixel on a line. The line increments pixel by pixel from the left to the right side of the screen for each random number generated. When the line reaches the end of the screen, it begins again one pixel down from the previous line, on the left side and repeats in this manner.

Eventually, the entire screen will be filled with randomly colored pixels. If the numbers generated are not random, it is believed that patterns would be discernable in the colored pixels on the screen.

Tally Program Screenshot


Tally is a number distribution check. In theory the random numbers will be evenly distributed across the range of numbers generate.

Tally is set up by selecting the number range of the random numbers the program will be tallying. When the first random number is received, the program creates a counting bin for each number in the range. As random numbers are generated, the program tallies how many times each random number is generated. The number bins, with the tally information is shown in the results window.

The data from Tally can be exported in to a spreadsheet like Excel, where the distribution can be checked using the spreadsheet functions.

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*Software requires USB TTL cable


USB-3.5mm - $24.95
USB TTL Serial Cable