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Digital Geiger Counter GCA-06 - Low Profile Design  
GCA-06 Digital Geiger Counter
Detector       Glass Geiger-Muller tube Ne + Halogen filled with a .38" effective diameter.

Detector      · Alpha above 3 MeV  
Sensitivity   · Beta above 50 KeV 
                       · Gamma above 9 KeV

Countable Pulse Resolution & Range         1 Count Per Minute (CPM) - 5000 Counts Per Second (CPS)
Radiation Resolution & Range                    1.0 uR/hr - 1000 mR/hr
          (Metric)                                            .01 uSv/hr - 10.0 mSv/hr

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  New Alpha Particle Sources
for use with Images Alpha Particle Spark Detector
Alpha Particle Source Polonium 210

250 uCi and 500 uCi activity count Polnium 210 alpha particle sources to use with your Images Alpha Particle Spark Detector.Alpha Particle Source Polonium 210

Half-Life 138 days

Energy Level 5304.5 KeV

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2nd Nuclear Experiment
Potassium Salt Nuclear Experiment

Potassium Experiment

Typically a scintillation counter is used to check food(s) for radioactive contamination. The scintillation counter not only provides a radiation level in addition it provides a gamma ray spectroscopy for radioisotope identification and therefore can determine the safety of the food. 

While our geiger counter can not perform radioactive identification, it may be used to test if a material or food stuff has a radioactivity above normal background radiation. This is not a safety check for food. Why? Because some radioactive contamination may be hidden in the normal fluctations of background radiation. And as we will see, while KCl has a radioactivity level well above background radiation it is commonly sold over the counter in supermarkets across the country as a salt substitute for people whom are sodium sensitive. 

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  Custom Kirlian Photography
Custom Kirlian Photography

Have us shoot a Kirlian photograph for you.

Have an object of your choice photographed using Kirlian Photography. We are offering a unique photography service to have either a digital or film Kirlian photograph made of your personal object. Object must fit completely within a 4" x 5" area.

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