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Nuclear Experiment 1

Experiment 1 tracking the Beta decay of Strontium-90 has already been posted and can be viewed online here

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SMC-01 Servomotor Controller
The new SMC-01 provides smoother servomotor response. The SMC-01 is a manual controller for a single servomotor by way of an on-board potentiometer. The heart of the SMC-01 is a 12F683 microcontroller. The potentiometer connects to the microcontroller and proportionally controls the servomotor's rotation. The servo motor shaft will respond as fast and as far as you turn rotate the potentiometer knob. A universal three pin header makes it easy to connect servo motors--just plug them into the board. The circuit is controlled by an inexpensive 8-pin micro controller, and powered by a 9 volt battery.

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Signed, Limited Edition Kirlian Photography Prints
Alpha Particle Spark Detector

20 x16 Signed and Numbered Print, Kirlian Image signed by artist John Iovine. Limited edition of 300 Signed Prints. This is a high voltage contact print created by the artist. The print captures the luminous corona discharge surrounding the subject that is created between the high voltage energy field and the subject. Chosen, signed and numbered by the artist John Iovine.
© John Iovine/Images SI Inc.

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GCA-07W-NRC (With NRC Certification)

The GCA-07W is the only Digital Geiger Counter in its price range accurate enough to be NRC calibrated and certified.
All of our Digital Geiger Counters are highly accurate, but when you certify your Digital Geiger counter with an NRC calibration it is guaranteed by an independent US government licensed laboratory.

We don't say our Geiger Counters are accurate, we can certify it.

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