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APRIL 2012
New Digital Kirlian Photography Book Project |
Focus is on Digital Kirlian Photography. The 2nd edition of the Kirlian photography book is a
rewriting and updating of information for shooting Kirlian photographs.
The book will guide readers to shoot Kirlian photographs, using primarily digital
cameras and video. This book assumes no previous experience shooting Kirlian photographs.
The book will include step-by-step instructions for building a variety of DIY
Kirlian photography equipment.
Kickstarter Funding to Start next month.
Next month funding to support publication of this new book will go live on kickstarter for 90 days.
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Alpha Particle Spark Detector now available for purchase |
This detector uses a 8000 volt negatively-charged electrode and thin 3 mil copper wires connected to ground that are strung through the air approximately
0.1" above the electrode, to detect alpha particles.
When an alpha particle passes inbetween the wire and
the electrode it ionizes the air between. The high voltage potential between
the wires and the electrode causes an avalanche effect that we see as an
electrical discharge between the wires and the electrode.
This detector is only
sensitive to alpha (α) particles and will Not detect beta(β), x-ray or gamma(γ) radiation.
Alpha Particle Spark Video Prototype
Alpha Particle Spark Video Kit
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New Geiger Counter Accessory - Geiger Counter Wand Base and Isotope Sled |

The base holds a standard Geiger counter wand in a fixed position either perpendicular to a radiation source (shown) or parallel to a radiation source.
The isotope sled porvides a stable and moveable platform for the standard size 1" diameter radioactive isoptoe discs.
The stable base and sled allow students to perform nuclear experiements such as inverse square law, half life studies, radiation shielding, etc.
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Flicker Light Piezo-electric |
Piezo-film generates considerably high voltages when stretched. This can be demonstrated with a piezoelectric film element wired to a small neon bulb device.
To operate grasp the transducer between two fingers. Flick the opposite end of the transducer that the neon bulb is soldered to. The piezo-transducer generates sufficient voltage to flicker the neon lamp on many times as it travels to and fro. Best performed in a darkened room to see it clearly.
Neon bulbs have a high trigger voltage of + 70 volts to light which the piezofilm transducer generates to light the neon bulb.
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New Van De Graaf Generator |

A small electrostatic Van De Graaf generator capable of developing charges up to 75,000 V. An impressive and convenient source for demonstrating the nature of high-voltage static charges. Approximately 13.5" H with 4" diam electrode. Unit has an on/off switch. Includes one replacement belt and instructions.
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USB TTL Serial Cable |
USB TTL Serial Cable allow easy interfacing to devices over USB.
The USB TTL Serial cable provide connectivity between USB and serial UART
interfaces at 5V.
3.5mm audio jack output. Connector configuration:
tip - TxD
ring - RxD
sleeve - GND
Cable with audio jack connector with +5V based TxD and RxD signalling
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