PIC Basic Pro Compiler
PBP is a BASIC programming language for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers.
It has evolved over the span of 15 years, making it the industry standard in its field. It has become a professional-level development tool for embedded programmers, though it retains the easy-to-learn syntax that makes it popular among experimenters and educators worldwide.
PBP should not be confused with the slow BASIC interpreters of the past. This is a full-blown development tool that produces code in the same manner as a C compiler (without the pain of C). PBP is widely used by engineering professionals who depend on its stability and maturity to produce commercial firmware. It is also used by educational institutions because it is very easy to learn and understand.
PBP has existed for almost 15 years. Development and evolution has been ongoing since its inception. This maturity gives the software a reputation for dependability that is unequaled among its competitors.
PBP is strictly software. It produces the device-ready HEX file, but doesn't include the means to burn the code into the chip or run the chip. To complete the system, you need a device programmer like the melabs U2 Programmer and a test platform like our LAB-X Experimenter series. Full Development Systems are available that include everything you need to program and test.
PBC-GOLD - $299.95
PICBasic Pro Compiler 3 Gold edition w/ Manual & CD
PBC-SILVER - $149.95
PICBasic Pro Compiler 3 Silver edition w/ Manual & CD
PBC-EXP - $79.95
PICBasic Pro Compiler 3 Experimenter edition w/ Manual & CD
USB EPIC Programmer
ZIF Adapters
These adapters connect to the EPIC Programmer's 10-pin expansion header to allow programming of 28 and 40 pin PICmicros in DIP, PLCC and surface mount packages.
ZIF-01 - $29.95
8/18 pin DIP ZIF adapter
ZIF-02 - $34.95
28/40 pin DIP ZIF adapter
Serial LCD Module
16 character x 2 lines, high-contrast, backlit supertwist LCD modules can receive serial data at 300, 1200, 2400, 9600 or 19200 baud (either inverted or true TTL/CMOS (RS232)). Printed manual included.
Click here to see complete data sheet for more information.
LCD-02 - $49.95
16x2 LCD Modules
16 character x 2 lines, high-contrast, backlit supertwist LCD modules. Standard 16-pin connection.
Click here for the LCD-04 datasheet that conatins additional information, technical specifications and interfacing details.
LCD-04 - $9.95
16x2 LCD Module
LCD-DS - $3.50
PIC Basic Project Board
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16F88 PIC Basic Project Board Features* LCD Display - backlight & contrast control* 2 A/D Channels * 8 digital I/O lines * 5V and 9V operation * I/O and Power header for use with solderless sreadboard or mother board * 16F88 PIC Microcontroller Project Book Pt 1. * Student version of PICBASIC PRO & Microcode Studio with book More Information Here See PCB Project Board Here See LCD Specs |
PCB-75 - $6.99 |
Sensors: Humidity Sensor Force Sensors CdS Light Sensor |
Do More: Frequency Meter Pulse Generator Elapse Timer Radiation Pulse Counter Random Number Generator Volt Meter |
Tutorial on binary number system, logic and I/O of ports A & B. (8) 470 ohm resistors, (1) 10K ohm resitor, (8) subminature LED, (1) push button switch, booklet.
PIC-LED-01 - $9.95
Without standard parts package
PIC-LED-02 - $29.95
With standard parts package
PIC Servo Motor Controller Kit
Tutorial on servo motors. (2) 42 oz. torque servo motors, (2) SPDT switches, (4) 10K, 1/4W resistors, (2) 3 pin headers, booklet.
Click here to see manual.
PIC-SERVO-01 - $41.95
Without standard parts package
PIC-SERVO-02 - $59.95
With standard parts package
EEP-24C01 | I2C Bus EEPROM (1024-bit, 128x8) | $.90 |
EEP-24C02 | I2C Bus EEPROM (2048-bit, 256x8) | $1.00 |
EEP-24C04 | I2C Bus EEPROM (4096-bit, 2x256x8) | $1.08 |
EEP-24C08 | I2C Bus EEPROM (8192-bit, 4x256x8) | $1.25 |
EEP-24C16 | I2C Bus EEPROM (16384-bit, 8x256x8) | $1.50 |