A microphone can be made by taping a piezo-sensor (PZ-01 or PZ-02) to the bottom or side of a styrofoam cup, see Figure 9. Connect the output leads of the transducer to the microphone input of a tape recorder. Speak into the cup while recording.

Acoustical Instrument Pick-up
Similar to the microphone described above, a piezo transducer may be secured to an acoustical instrument for amplification and recording. Due to the extremely low mass of the piezo-film, the acoustical impact of the transducer on the instrument is small.
Flicker-Light -- Neon Bulb Piezo Demonstration
As written previously, piezo-film generates considerably high voltages when stretched. This can be demonstrated by making a simple neon bulb device (see Figure 10). A small neon bulb is soldered to the leads of a PZ-02 transducer. To operate grasp the transducer between two fingers. Flick the opposite end of the transducer that the neon bulb is soldered to (see Figure 11). The piezo-transducer generates sufficient voltage to flicker the neon lamp on many times as it travels to and fro. You may have to do this in a darkened room to see it because the neon lamp is very dim.
Neon bulbs have a high trigger voltage of 70 volts to light. The neon bulb flickers on and off when the transducer is waved back and forth easily generating the neon bulbs trigger voltage.
Flicker Light Figure 10
Internal Flicker Light -->